Join The Club

Volks Enthusiasts Club SA Inc Application for Membership

If you are an Enthusiast of the Volkswagen marque and you have been looking for those of us who are rare and keen, then you need to join the Volks Enthusiasts.

We cater for Enthusiasts of all persuasions with social events, cruises, observation runs as well as our world renowned 'Volks Fest' (our annual show and shine) and much, much more.

We also provide the outstanding club Magazine, posted out to full club members. It is also available electronically on the site.

VECSA general meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month at the Austrian Club, Torrens Road, Ovingham (refer to the
Events Page for times). Members usually arrive at around 30 minutes before the start of the meeting to enjoy a drink and chat prior to the meeting. Please check the web page for meeting times.

Applications for membership are considered by the VECSA committee which meets two weeks after a general meeting. Payment of the membership fee is required with your application. This can be done via direct credit and the club's banking details are provided on the bottom of the application form.

You should also be aware that should you be seeking club registration, then this is organised either at a general meeting (once your membership has been approved) or by attending our club registration day (generally held during June).

Club Historic Registration

When you apply to join the club and your membership is approved, the process is as follows:

  • You will receive a welcome email.
  • On receipt of your welcome email, come along to the next general meeting at the Austrian Club.
  • Bring along your vehicle registration certificate, your licence and $5 for a log book.
  • One of the Club registration officers will then complete the required MR334 paperwork for you to take to a Service SA Centre to complete the process. We will also issue you with a log book.
  • This log book is valid for up to 3 years, but needs to be authorised and stamped at the beginning of the next and following financial years.
If you have historic registration you must be a financial member. Ensure that you have paid your renewal by the 30th June.


Visit the SA Government website for further information about the Code of Practice for
Conditional Registration Scheme for Historic Vehicles at

If you join in:Jul-SeptOct-DecJan-MarApr-Jun
Full Member$60 $50 $40 $60 (15 months)
Associate Member$50$40$30$50 (15 months)
Joint Member$30 $25 $20 $30 (15 months)

All Renewals are $60 for Full, $50 for Associate and $30 for Joint
and do not require the application form to be completed
(Discounts are once only)

To join the club:

  • Complete the form below and when complete, press send
  • or Download the Membership Application Form, complete the PDF and send it to the address below; or
  • Fill in the PDF Membership Form electronically and email it to

The Secretary,
PO Box 306,
Kent Town, SA 5071

EFT Details:
BSB No: 805 050
Acc No: 2359539
Acc Name: Volks Enthusiasts Club

For your application to be accepted, payment is required as per the details shown above

Please note: You do not need to complete the form for renewals. You can make direct payments for renewals using the banking details above. Ensure you provide sufficient details in your transaction so you are able to be identified.

You can complete the
Membership Update form if your personal details have changed.

New Membership Application Form

You can also email us at